German spätzle noodles are easy enough to make, but need a bit of time and elbow grease. Learn how to make this traditional German recipe with buttery toasted breadcrumbs and crisp bacon.

German spätzle noodles are a type of pasta made with fresh eggs. Spätzle is found in quite a few European countries apart from Germany, like Switzerland, Austria, and Hungary. These noodles are something I was fortunate enough to grow up with and are high up on my list of comfort foods. They made an appearance on special occasions and were usually served with beef rouladen, schnitzel, or a potful of goulash. Of course, when my mom cooks, she cooks to feed an army, so my brothers and I would be eating spätzle leftovers for days. More about what to do with spätzle leftovers later, that is, if you even have them!