When it’s too hot outside to function, ice cream sandwiches are a delightful treat. Learn how to make this homemade spiced oatmeal cookie ice cream sandwich recipe to beat the heat!

I’ll admit it. It was Little Debbie’s Oatmeal Creme Pies that inspired these. I never buy them because, well, look at the ingredients, but I have fond childhood memories of them. I partially blame the blatant product placement in 1989’s Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. Does anyone recall the scene where they’re feasting on a giant oatmeal creme pie that one of the kids dropped in the backyard? Those treats always haunt me at the store, but I know if I give in, I’ll only be disappointed. Full disclosure: my cookies are nothing like Little Debbie’s, so if that’s what you want, proceed to aisle 5, please.