Holiday eggnog, anyone? Unlike commercial eggnogs, which are full of sugar and unsightly additives, a glass of this won’t leave you feeling too guilty. Learn how to make spiked eggnog from scratch and get a bonus vintage recipe to boot!

The first time I remember having eggnog, I was four or five years old. My mom coated the rims of her dinner glasses with green coloured sugar sprinkles and from that moment on, I was an eggnog fiend.
My mother only bought eggnog for Christmas, never before, never after.
A collector of ruby red Lumimarc glasses, she often served the family eggnog in her treasured collection. It was always beautiful and festive, and I couldn’t get enough of that sweet, creamy, and spicy nog. I still can’t.
If my mom had known just how much sugar and additives were lurking in those cartons of eggnog, she would have made her own from scratch.